Fast Delivery, Same Day Delivery, Errand Service, Concierge Service, London, Bristol

Last update: 24 January 2023

At My Errand, we strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers, Partners (errand runners), and business partners. These rules are in place to make sure that everyone who uses the My Errand platform has a pleasant and safe experience.

Partner (Errand Runner)

We want your errand-running experience with My Errand to be safe and enjoyable. These rules are intended to assist protect the safety of everyone who uses the My Errand App to run errands.

Stay safe – Safety should always be your top priority. When you’re out on the road we ask that you always:

  • Follow all rules, including those concerning road safety and traffic.
  • If you are riding a bike, wear helmet and reflective clothes to make yourself more visible to other drivers.
  • Avoid driving when you are not feeling good.
  • Keep your bags clean and in excellent shape.

Respect others – We ask that you treat customers, businesses, other partners, My Errand employees, and members of the public with respect when you deal with them. When you’re working, you should also respect all laws, rules, and regulations; they’re in there for everyone’s benefit. You should:

  • Follow all laws and regulations
  • Treat everyone you meet with politeness and respect.
  • Never disclose a customer’s data with anyone, and never contact a customer when you aren’t working on an errand for them.

As breaches of the above could amount to a serious breach of your Supplier Agreement, we investigate all reports we receive about these kinds of behaviour, and this may result in you being unable to work with My Errand again. If you see another Partner behaving unprofessionally don’t hesitate to let us know.

Stay honest – My Errand only works when Partners behave in good faith and complete errands in a safe and timely manner on behalf of Customers. We keep a close eye on any questionable or fraudulent activity, such as:

  • Using multiple My Errand accounts at the same time
  • Using a different type of vehicle than the one you’ve registered with
  • Marking errands as completed when they haven’t been
  • Intentionally swiping through the app at the wrong time
  • Manually adjusting your GPS location information
  • Taking an unreasonable amount of time to run errands
  • Working with substitutes who don’t meet all of My Errand’s requirements to run errands

Be Responsible– Check if the Customer is aged 18 or over before when ordering age restricted products, you will need to ask the Customers to provide proof that they are aged 18 or over before the errand is completed. You have the right to refuse to deliver any age restricted product to any person unless they can provide valid photo ID proving that they are aged 18 or over.

Be vigilant-You have to read carefully the errand description and double-check the Pickup and Delivery addresses. You have to report any unsuitable Customer request, as well as any incorrect or incomplete address.


Be respectful: Our Partners are the lifeblood of our company. We ask that you respect Partners and report any unprofessional behaviour to us directly by contacting My Errand Support so that we can take proper actions. We also urge that you show respect to our Support team. We want everyone who uses My Errand to have a positive experience, and mutual respect is essential.

Be prompt: Please ensure that you are accessible for collection when you receive notification that the Partner has started your errand. This is so that our partners don’t have to waste time waiting for customers to pick up their deliveries when they could be working. We also ask that you use the ‘Additional Delivery details’ field at the errand creation flow to specify where you want your items delivered so that the Partner does not have to look for your location.

Fraud: Fraudulent activity undermines our community’s trust. Committing fraud is a criminal offence. We have a number of safeguards in place to protect both customers and partners from fraudulent behaviour. If a fraudulent account is discovered or suspected, we will take action, which could include:

Deactivation of your My Errand account; and/or
Escalation to the relevant authorities.

How we investigate potential infringement?

If we are made aware of a User who is violating our Terms and Conditions, as outlined in these guidelines, we will evaluate the report before taking any action against the account. These investigations are always led by a member of our staff, and Users will always be notified if we decide to take any action. We may decide not to work with a Partner in the future if we notice a pattern of dishonest behaviour affecting your account.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, you can always contact our dedicated Rider Support team